KEVA planks provide a perfection-free zone for building and experimentation. Visitors intuitively arrange planks and build with them to learn about stability and balance defying gravity. Structures rise and fall, and children learn through trial and error. Building with KEVA planks fosters collaborative play for visitors of all ages. 

What You Learn:

  • Collaboration
  • Iteration
  • Puzzle Solving
  • Three dimensional thinking 
  • Sense of scale  
Two pre-teen visitors sitting next to each other building a structure using KEVA planks.

Families collaborate the old-fashioned way by creating structures together in a contemplative setting. Children discover that they have ideas and that they can bring their ideas to life by creating something unique on their own or as a group.

Continue the Fun at Home

Try other building and engineering activities found on our Keva Pinterest board, or pick up a mini KEVA set in our Museum Store.